Delicious Bubble Tea with all the Protein and Less the Sugar

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Kick the Sugar from Your Favourite Drink

MORE Protein, LESS Carbs 

Did you know most Boba Tea has an average of 40g of sugar and 240 calories? With Boba Nutrition Protein, there are  23-27g of Protein, made with Monk Fruit and 124 calories per cup. Healthy and Tasty for you

Tastes like Boba Tea

We were tired of all the protein powder flavours on the market like Chocolate, Vanilla, Peanut Butter, etc. So we made this asian infused flavour to break the mould. Using Boba Tea Milk Flavors, with the addition of instant packets of boba pearls - you can make a healthier option

No More Sugar Crashes

Because most Boba Tea is made with sugar, you will have elevated levels of blood sugar causing crashes. We’ve substituted the sugar with healthy alternatives so you can keep the taste but less the junk!

Delicious & Healthy Boba Treat

© Copyright 2023

The All Natural Ingredients


Coconut Milk Powder

Monk Fruit


Designed by Boba Tea Enthusiasts and Certified Supplement Experts

Drink Bubble Tea Guilt Free. Sugar Free, Low Carb, Gluten Free & More.

A powerful, healthy formula with all natural ingredients to drink any time you want. Boba Nutrition makes it easy to enjoy your favourite treat without any sugar or sucralose while increasing your intake of protein in the comfort of your own home.

What Our Customers Thought

Kayla A.

Love it 🔥👌

Just like Bubble Tea

Can't believe there's no sugar and it's healthy!

Michael F.

It's great how there's 27g of Protein in this Bubble Tea Flavour

That Protein tho

Tanya M.

I've been looking for a different flavour of Protein - finally!

Best Flavour

Delicious 🎉🥳


My name is Darryl and I am both an enthusiast of Bubble Tea & of Protein. I've always been curious on how I could bring some value into the world that would help more people. Fitness and diet has always been my passion as it helped me achieve confidence and good health but I had a problem; I loved sugar - it's my guilty treat, whether it's a pack of Sour Patch Kids or to a Boba Tea with friends. Slowly over time, I realized that I could not sustain my intake of sugar and started reading up on all the issues with it. This is when I decided I needed a healthier option and created our small business, Boba Nutrition

Social Media Pictures Shared by Customers

Manufacturing Practices

Products are produced and manufactured according to quality GMP standards.

Products are manufactured in an FDA registered facility.

Products are manufactured in a Health Canada site licensed facility.


"This is my first purchase, and I really enjoy this flavor. You can't taste the protein at all and it's a heavy tea flavor which I appreciate. The initial couple sips are a bit biting - I think it's the monk fruit - but after that, it's an amazing powder. 

I usually blend it with milk and a couple teaspoons of sugar (that's just how I take my tea) and half a banana. It's so smooth and it does not taste anything like a protein shake. It's probably my favorite protein shake to date, and I do not say that lightly. Definitely recommend and worth it."

- Natasha H.

"I feel like diversity isn’t always represented in fitness products and it’s nice to have a protein company that makes flavors that are classic to me (Filipino). Its consistency is wonderful, the flavor is great, and the macros are impressive."

- Yessena B.

"The taro flavor is pretty close to the real thing and there is no gross aftertaste or mouth feel. I hate vanilla protein and chocolate gets old after a while. Usually any other flavors are painfully fake and overly sweet, but not Boba Nutrition! Definitely will order more and try the other flavors."

- Thai M.

Customer Photos

The Boba Tea Hack that Feels Illegal

BOBA NUTRITION VS Traditional Boba Tea

Here’s how                       compares to Traditional Boba Tea

Nutrition Facts

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